
Monday, March 12, 2007

Florida Property Tax Updates

An alternative House Republican plan to swap property taxes for sales taxes began to gather steam Friday. The idea is to eliminate the portion of property tax bills that go to school districts and pay for education through a higher sales tax.
Read the full story: http://www.floridarealtors.org/NewsAndEvents/n1-031207.cfm __________________________
A flock of Canadian snowbirds are banning together to call for property tax reform in Florida. Snowbird Phyllis Turek says she doesn’t expect the same concessions as full-time residents, but believes snowbirds should get some credit for paying taxes year-round and using services for only a few months.
Read the full story: http://www.floridarealtors.org/NewsAndEvents/n2-031207.cfm __________________________
It’s not just Florida: At least a dozen states have legislation in the hopper this year to provide property tax relief, on top of at least eight that acted last year, according to the online news service Stateline.org.
Read the full story:

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